
1927 – 2008 Barbara Bradley: The End of an Era.

Barbara Bradley, my friend, mentor, gifted illustrator and long-time director of the Illustration Department of the Academy of Art University in San Francisco died the weekend of May 4, tragically, from injuries sustained in a terrible car accident. Barbara also was the author of “Drawing People”, published in 2003 by Northlight books.

Barbara was the Illustration Department Chair at the Academy when I first started teaching in San Francisco. I was very young, and had never taught before and she was tremendously supportive as I taught Fashion Drawing for the first time. She continued her support as I developed more fashion classes and eventually developed a separate Fashion Department. As the Academy grew she later became Dean and continued her support and encouragement in many aspects of the development of the Academy as it is today. Upon retirement, she continued to teach special classes at the Academy.

She was the best boss I ever had and showed me the art of teaching. Her students and faculty loved her joyous spirit, dry wit, and her love of drawing. She loved to laugh and I remember many happy hours in the Illustration Office listening to her stories.

I think about her often when I am teaching my Costume Design class at Art Center. We will all miss her very much!

Justine Limpus Parish

For June Memorial info. – The Academy of Art University in San Francisco –

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