Drawings and Paintings Workshop

Waitress Theme Drawings

Another fun night of drawing. I hope everyone liked the rockabilly music. -Bob

Jason Claus

Forrest Card

Forrest Card

Forrest Card

Luke Khanlian

Luke Khanlian

Luke Khanlian

Frederick Durand

Frederick Durand

Will McGaul

Will McGaul

Will McGaul

Will McGaul

Will McGaul

Rix Woodling

Rix Woodling

Rick Caughman

Rick Caughman

Rick Caughman

Rick Caughman

Megan Goldbeck

Megan Goldbeck

Megan Goldbeck

Lisa McDonnell

Lisa McDonnell

George Stokes

George Stokes

George Stokes

George Stokes

Deanna Lau- Ino

Deanna Lau- Ino

Deanna Lau- Ino